Pick-a-Wish.org is a community of many types of people, who all have the right to feel comfortable and who may not think what you think, believe what you believe, see what you see, or know what you know. So please be polite and respectful in your interactions with other members.
In order to create a positive and engaging environment for members of Pick-a-Wish it is essential to treat each other with respect. Members may disagree with an idea or opinion, but they must be respectful of others at all time. Angry insults, threats or harassment of other members is strictly prohibited.
Pick-a-Wish will not tolerate and reserves its right to delete any forum post, comment, message, image, video, or link that:
- –is defamatory, indecent, hateful, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, sexist, disgraceful, vulgar, or inappropriate.
- –encourages or suggests illegal activity, announcements from political organizations, or unintelligible or irrelevant posts.
Pick-a-Wish reserves the right to ban any member from our site without prior written notice or consent for violations of community guidelines. Any posts, comments, messages, images, or videos which we deem to be criminal in nature, or instigates or implies violence toward another person may be reported to the proper authorities.
That said, we want to hear from you and encourage comments, critiques, questions, and suggestions. We ask that you simply stay on topic, respect other people’s opinions, avoid profanity, offensive statements, illegal content, and anything else that might otherwise violate these community standards.
Simply, be kind to each other, have fun and enjoy your time on Pick-a-Wish.
The Pick-a-Wish Admins