Pick-a-Wish USA


Christmas Eve in

We all have the opportunity to be Santa Claus . . . and we are here to help. We are now open for the 2020 Christmas Season, and here is where you will find and Grant Wishes. You may Browse all Wishes, or use Advanced Search to search by Zip Code. You may search “only” in a particular Zip Code, or use Distance Search and choose your desired search radius.

There is a tutorial video here . . .

Please see Help for Grantors for more information . . .

Browse all Wishes, Search Wishes by Zip Code or Location, or choose a Category Button below . . .

Quick instructions — when you view the Wish by clicking the link in the listings, you will be taken to the Wisher’s profile. There are three ways to contact the Wisher . . .

  • one, by clicking the “Contact [Wisher]” link in the body of the Wish listing, and compose a short message which will generate an email to the Wisher and PAW Admins, and . . .
  • two, by clicking the Gear Actions icon in the Profile header and choosing “Private Message.”
  • three, click Activity on the Wisher’s Profile and comment on the Wish’s Activity listing.

We’d like you to please DO ALL OF THEM. This will increase the chances of your Wisher responding, as some we’ve found do not use email or their Facebook email is inaccessible. So then, send a short message to express your intention to Grant the Wish through the link in the Wish, then use the Gear icon to send a Private Message through the PAW system, finally, comment on the Wishes Activity listing, which will generate a message and Notification on the website the next time the Wisher logs in.


Please read Guidelines for Grantors for helpful information .

Once the Grantor has indicated to the Wisher their intention to Grant the Wish, the Wisher and Grantor should communicate privately on any further details and to make the delivery arrangements.  Once the Wish is delivered, both Wisher and Grantor should contact the PAW Admins and report that the Wish has been Granted, so we can update the Wishes database.

We hope and expect the process to be intuitive and self-explanatory, but if you have any questions or problems you may ask and report here. 

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