We have a few Grantors who have sent messages to Wishers who have not responded in a timely manner, or at all. So just a friendly reminder to all Wishers to check their emails and log into the PAW website frequently to track the status of your Wish and respond to the Grantors messages in order to have your Wish actually Granted. Failure to do so may result in your Grantor moving on to Grant another Wish.
We have a page “How to Make a Wish” with a video that clearly explains the process and we suggest that all Wishers read it and watch the video.
Also, there is a page “Guidelines for Grantors” that explains the Wish Granting end of the process. As shown there, there is a three-step process to ensure that your Wisher is informed.
I am having trouble with my email how do I rest it so I can get the emails you sent.
I have another email yiu can reach me on that is shanettacrosby1814@Gmail.com
This us the right one sorry about that. shanettacrosby1914@Gmail.com
Make sure your Facebook account has the correct email. If that one is correct and accessible, it will be automatically brought into the PAW system when you use the blue Login with Facebook button to log into PAW.
Here are three pages to read that will be helpful to understand the whole process. . .
How do you know if someone picks your wish
Hi Reenie – The Grantor will send you a message from the Wish and you’ll get notified by email. They also should send you a Private Message by clicking the Gear Icon in your Profile and you will see a notification top right when you next log into PAW. Third, they should and may comment on the Activity listing of your Wish, and you will get notification as with the Private Message. You should probably check into the site frequently to see if you have any notifications, and respond to them in a timely manner with details.