Pick-a-Wish USA

The Halloween 2020 Season Is Now Open!

We are pleased to announce the 2020 Pick-a-Wish Halloween Season is now officially open and accepting new Wishes. To Make-a-Wish simply click the Wishers & Grantors menu found in the header along the top on desktop, or from the three-line stack icons on either side of header on mobile devices. Grantors may use the Grant-a-Wish page to find Wishes to Grant. Clear and concise (we hope!) instructions are on both the Make-a-Wish and Grant-a-Wish pages. If you have further questions or problems, please see How To Make a Wish and How to Grant a Wish to submit your questions and one of the PAW Admins will answer in a timely manner.

Please review the Official 2020 Halloween Season Rules & Guidelines. Failure to read and follow these Rules and Guidelines will result in delay or failure to have your Wish approved.

A Personal message from Emily – PAW Admin

Hello Pick-a-Wishers . . .

After much thought, listening to suggestions, and many hours spent on site development over the past year; we have made what we think will be an easier website, for our new Pick A Wish home. We have incorporated many elements from the original Pick A Wish group into this new journey which we hope will result into a a new era of my lifelong dream to help others. So many have helped me and my children over the years, and I hope this is a way for us to give back. I thank God for this opportunity to do that. Thank you all for standing by with us to make this possible. And lastly, Thank You to Justin – PAW for being the brains behind this great new vision and website.


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