Hello Pick-a-Wishers! It is now that most wonderful time of the year! We welcome all newcomers to our site, as well as all who have been with us for many years. Please join us as we enjoy the opportunity to help those in need.
I started this dream to help others locally and in Pennsylvania from a vision I like to think was Divine Intervention almost a decade ago, which we are now trying to expand. I, along with several volunteer admins over the years, have witnessed some of the most unbelievable miracles of giving. We were all able to help so many in that original Facebook group, estimated around 1000 total Wishes Granted now, which we then turned into a Facebook page and now a website of our own.
Here at Pick-a-Wish.org the main focus is to help those in need. We facilitate the meeting of Wishers and Grantors, and PAW Admins and Wishministrators. Although we cannot guarantee all wishes will be granted, we hope that we all can work together to help as many people as we possibly can make this Holiday Season a happy one.
I cannot express sufficient gratitude to all of you, for without you this site wouldn’t even be possible.
In order to ease the tasks of PAW admins having to answer too many already-answered questions during this busy time, Please, PLEASE, read the 2020 Christmas Season Rules and Guidelines BEFORE you actually Make a Wish. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping PAW running smoothly.
Merry Christmas
Happy Hannukah
Eid Mubarak lakum wa-li-‘a’ilatakum
Happy Festivus
The PAW.org Admins . . .
Emily, Justin, Brandi, Terri, Sylvia, Nachole